Breitschwanz Fur

Breitschwanz fur belongs to the furs obtained from Karakul. Specifically, Breitschwanz fur is obtained by tanning the skins of prematurely born Karakul lambs. The main characteristics of this skin are very similar to those of astrakhan fur, but it is distinguished by its shinier and slightly wavy hair, unlike astrakhan which is curled. Another substantial difference between Karakul furs is in the leather. Breitschwanz fur is the one with the softest leather. Persian lamb farming originated at the beginning of the 1900s in Germany, with an enormous variety, also thanks to the fact that fur lamb farming was not very far from normal flock farming. Today in Italy there are about three hundred fur lamb farms, which have nothing to envy to the quality of the same Asian skins. The shine and bristliness are the merit of these fantastic furs. The Breitschwanz fur is much more commonly known as Persian fur. By continuing to read you will discover:

  1. Differences between the various types of karakul fur
  2. How much does a Breitschwanz fur cost?
  3. Where to buy Breitschwanz Fur?

    Differences between the various types of karakul fur

    Karakul furs have different qualities which are:
    • Swakara fur
    • Astrakhan fur
    • Persian fur
    • Breitschwanz fur

    Swakara furs are by far the most expensive and come from Africa, they have a flatter fur, with a wavy or marbled Christmas tree design and are very light in leather. The peculiarity of this fur in addition to the quality and the leather is always blue in color. Astrakhan furs, from the Russian city of Astrakhan, have curlier and tighter fur; similar to the Russian but larger in size and finally Persian furs from Afghanistan. The Persian is found in the following natural colors: black. gray, brown. white, with black and white spots or white and brown; it is often dyed in many fashion colors. Both are often mistaken for either swakara or breitschwanz. Breitschwanz furs are very expensive, almost as much as a swakara fur, they have very flat and shiny fur, with an oil stain design. The leather of these furs is very soft and delicate, it is often also stretched by hand and not nailed. Many people opt for astrakhan or Persian fur to save on the price, but the quality of swakara fur or breitschwanz fur is unbeatable, all lovers of this type of fur will not be able to do without buying one.

    How much does a Breitschwanz Fur cost?

    Breitschwanz furs like swakara furs are highly appreciated not only for making classic style furs, but also for fur garments that follow the new trends. Among the best-selling furs, the cost of a Breitschwanz fur can reach figures below 10,000 euros, for this reason, to determine its final price, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the fur, the size, the number of skins used, the model made and the type of workmanship carried out by the cutter. A Breitschwanz fur on offer starts from 3,500 euros, up to the most luxurious swakara models, which can be worth over 15,000 euros. Depending on your needs, you can find real Persian furs, breitschwanz coats at competitive prices and with exceptional quality. The price depends above all on the type of skins used to create the outerwear. Swakara is absolutely the most expensive leather of this type (Karakul). The closest to the swakara is the Breitschwanz. With a lower price, however, there are the astrakhan and Persian furs. In addition to this, obviously, you must take into account the workmanship and quality of the leather, as the swakara, being a leather sold at auction Kopenhagen Fur, can be of Purple, Platinum, Burgundy, Ivory quality and some low qualities.

    Where to buy Breitschwanz fur?

    Relying on made in Italy and a well-known and appreciated stylist like Elpidio Loffredo, can provide you with the right guarantees and the certainty of having brought home the breitschwanz fur of your dreams. Elpidio is a young entrepreneur who inherited the passion from the family furriers, becoming the driving force of the company's activities: an ancient tradition that ties in perfectly with the innovation and modernity of style, creating wonderful garments in their uniqueness. Unknown brands and of dubious origin could mislead you. A price that is too low could hide pitfalls.The prices for real Persian furs and Breitschwanz furs can be found on our website, but also in the Breitschwanz Fur Outlet section. There you will find the right item for you, obviously all products with the highest quality as in the rest of the Elpidio Loffredo Breitschwanz Furs collection. Elpidio Loffredo offers its customers the opportunity to try on all the furs in its boutiques and to see the models with videos and photos at a distance. The Elpidio Loffredo online collection is always very large. Also for the Breitschwanz furs Elpidio Loffredo offers the possibility of creating custom furs.