How to recycle a mink fur coat

We all love mink fur coats, always fashionable items of clothing, capable of making anyone fall in love at first sight, even if the wardrobe at home is already full. In the end, after several years of collecting fur coats, which we probably never had the chance to wear, we realize that some of them are now old and out of size. Simply throwing them away would mean throwing away several tens or hundreds of euros in one go, so why not recycle the fur and give it new life? Let's see together how to recycle a mink fur coat!

How to recycle a mink fur coat

If you have understood that it is worth throwing away that precious mink fur coat that has been lying in the wardrobe for so many years, now you are surely wondering how to recycle a mink fur coat, and we are here to give you all the information about it. First of all, the recycling procedure is called remodeling, a name from which it will be immediately understood what the purpose of the process is and to bring to light the value of the garment to make it wearable even today. Remodeling involves the careful processing of the fur and the elimination of all its older parts, which can compromise the rest of the fabric over time. Thanks to this process, the old mink fur can be transformed into a poncho, a blanket, a vest or something else. It goes without saying that the larger the fur, the more recycling options there will be. A large fur, like those worn by grandmothers many years ago, could also become a sofa cover, and the result would certainly be surprising.

It is worth remodeling a fur?

When talking about how to recycle a fur, remodeling is without a doubt the best technique to opt for. Recycling your mink fur and transforming it into a poncho will be much cheaper than buying a brand new poncho directly, even if the external appearance of the two products will be perfectly identical. Let's remember that there are so many recycling possibilities and of all kinds, it would be a great shame to decide not to take advantage of this opportunity.

What happens to the residues of a fur coat?

In the manufacturing process of the fabric, some parts are discarded, generally the oldest and most worn, however, those in excess for a certain type of garment can also be eliminated. Fortunately, however, nothing will be thrown away, but can find a new life. The small parts that cannot be added during the manufacturing process, due to their size, can become cute key rings or hand warmers to use in the winter; the larger excesses will instead be remodeled as scarves, hats, or gloves. Whatever state your mink fur coat is in, we can be sure that not even a small piece will be thrown away!