How to store mink fur

Among the various furs that have become fashionable over the years and have been acclaimed by many fashion-loving people, there is the mink fur. In particular, this has numerous benefits in addition to the aesthetics it offers: in fact, this fur allows you to further enhance your outfit. However, over time and with constant use, it is possible that it can get ruined, especially if it is stored badly.

How to store mink fur

In order to store a mink fur, as well as any extremely high-quality fur, it is necessary to pay great attention and above all to ensure that it is stored in a suitable place. In order to guarantee protection and care for your fur, therefore, it is advisable to first choose a place that is cool, dark and dry where you can store it. A perfect and typical place for any item of clothing would be an area of ​​the wardrobe: in this regard, it is advisable to avoid excessively humid areas of your home if there is no space available in the wardrobe, such as the cellar or the attic. A dark, cold and dry place is required as mink fur requires a cool and stable temperature, and therefore a location far from excessive air currents or sunlight. You can therefore opt for a place inside a wardrobe located near the window or an internal door of the room. A second tip in this regard consists in necessarily separating the mink fur from other items of clothing: excessive proximity could in fact compress the space intended for the fur, and therefore ruin it as a result due to a space that is too narrow and inadequate as a result. The hanger that will have to support the garment must necessarily be wide and therefore adequate, so as to support all the weight and continue to give the shape of the shoulders.

Another method for preserving the fur

There is also a simpler method for preserving your mink fur. The latter can in fact be placed inside a special bag for clothing items, and it is therefore advisable to absolutely avoid plastic bags. Once placed inside the bag, it is advisable to place a sheet that rests on the stick that supports the hanger, in order not to wear out the shoulders and especially the fur. Once this is done, it is advisable to place an Orphea sheet or a suitable product to prevent moth attacks. In fact, several organisms are fond of natural and typical fur fluff, therefore it is necessary to use natural remedies aimed at protecting your garment. This sheet must be replaced at least once every three or four months. If your fur is attacked by moths, then it is necessary to heal the garment with a specific product: usually Nekatarm Busta or Orphea are used. In order to prevent such attacks, it is also possible to clean your mink fur from dust or other. If cleaning is necessary, it is important to avoid traditional laundries and rely on specialists specifically for washing this type of clothing: in fact, mink fur must be treated with care, and not with products typical for synthetic materials or similar. Therefore, if cleaning is necessary, it is possible to look for a specific professional.