Sapphire Mink

Mink fur has changed a lot over the years. Before, it was almost always a classic brown with different shades from light brown to dark brown, but over time and thanks to fashion in breeding, different mutations of mink have developed. Today, sapphire mink is very popular, difficult to find natural and especially not blue. Sapphire mink fur is valuable, especially when the color of the sapphire mink is natural and has not undergone changes such as blueing the skins during tanning. Obviously, this type of fur will have a higher price as the sapphire mink skins that have a "correct" color are very few and almost always of excellent quality. Elpidio Loffredo for the sapphire gray mink fur collection uses only female mink skins, in such a way as to create very light and soft mink furs to the touch. Elpidio Loffredo pays particular attention to the creation of his sapphire mink jackets and sapphire gray mink coats as they are a specific request from fur lovers. The sapphire mink jacket is a must-have for mink fur lovers, the short gray fur is always present in high fashion shows. Less requested are the coats as they are more difficult to match with your outfit. Sapphire mink price is one of the main evaluation criteria for this type of fur, as low-quality ones and especially those of a non-natural color are sold at very low prices, while the price of quality sapphire mink is always higher than a brown mink or a white mink. Sapphire gray mink fur requires a longer manufacturing process as the fur is more delicate due to its light color. By continuing to read you will discover:

  • Sapphire Mink Fur or other colors?
  • Sapphire Mink: Jacket, Coat or Vest?
  • How much does a Sapphire Mink Fur Coat cost?

Sapphire Mink Fur Coat or other colors?

Choosing the color of a mink fur coat is never easy, especially when we have to buy a fur coat and already have several in our closet. Sapphire mink fur coat is always a specific request from our customers, as only a true mink fur lover requires this type of fur. One factor that affects the color of the fur coat is definitely the height of the hair and the backing, as on very light colors, long hair and a very dark backing often do not look their best. Silverblue mink fur coat is another type of gray mink coat and is often chosen by customers who love a light color but not too shiny. Brown mink fur coat is always the first fur coat for every woman, as it is easy to match, and always perfect for every model. Like the brown one, black mink fur coat is also highly sought after and easy to match. There are types of mink that are not found in all fur shops and are always highly appreciated by Elpidio Loffredo customers. The blue iris mink fur, the palomino mink fur and the sapphire cross mink fur are the main requests of the most meticulous customers. All customers who love colors always choose very defined and not too bright colors, but in the last year the trend has gone towards dyed black crosses. Very beautiful colors with small tips and a very strong black back.

Sapphire Mink: Jacket, Coat or Vest?

The main choice for sapphire minks is divided into:
  • Sapphire Mink Jacket
  • Sapphire Mink Coat
  • Sapphire Mink Vest

The sapphire mink jacket is fashionable, as the mink jacket is often purchased by customers in areas that are not very cold, or when they already own a mink jacket in other colors. The gray mink jacket is always the right choice for those who want to be fashionable. The sapphire mink jacket is purchased to express luxury and elegance, thanks to the sophistication of the color and above all of the matching models and accessories. The coat is often purchased by those who love long and very warm outerwear, or for personal needs, when temperatures are close to zero. The Elpidio Loffredo sapphire mink coat also always expresses luxury and elegance, created with many female mink skins in such a way as to be very light and very soft. Often the coats are created with abundant hoods, while the mink jackets are made with a more sporty hood and with accessories such as the drawstring to be able to tighten them. The sapphire mink vest is a particular request of our customers, as the sapphire mink sleeveless jacket is not always worn casually by women. Many love to wear the sapphire mink sleeveless jacket because it is comfortable and above all sporty and therefore can be combined with any outfit.

How much does a Sapphire Mink Fur cost?

The sapphire mink price depends on several factors such as:

  • Type of workmanship
  • Quality of the hides
  • Female sapphire mink or male sapphire mink
  • Made in Italy

The type of workmanship is crucial to the success of a model, as a mink model made horizontally will require different mink skins than the same model made vertically. Often, in order to save on costs, manufacturers buy small skins and try to "stretch" them as much as possible, often creating very soft and characterless furs, but with a very low mink fur cost. The quality of the hide is a determining factor as with all types of fur, as a quality sapphire mink will certainly be softer and have a shinier and softer fur. Usually Elpidio Loffredo buys velvet sapphire minks, that is, low fur, as it is the best quality available at auction. Another determining factor in creating a quality sapphire mink fur is the type of mink used, female or male mink. Female minks are certainly an advantage as they are softer to the touch and much lighter to wear. Male minks, on the other hand, are often heavy and hard. Made in Italy has always been a guarantee, even in the production of furs. Sapphire mink, being a particular fur, requires greater care in the processing that only an expert Italian craftsman can dedicate to it. Mink fur price is one of the main searches of our customers, as many of them seek help and advice on purchasing and on mink prices. Mink fur must always be worn with care as a light color is more subject to dust and dirt. Elpidio Loffredo offers a fur remodeling service even for old sapphire mink furs that are often very difficult to work with and above all very delicate.