Lynx Furs

Lynx fur and lynx fur are the most valuable of all and also the most expensive. Lynx fur and lynx fur require a particular type of processing and great experience on the part of those who work the skins. This type of fur can be worked in different ways. Elpidio Loffredo in his collection offers only lynx and lynx furs worked using only the white part, i.e. the belly. Many producers, to save money, use the whole skin processing and have a piece with many beige - brown spots. Elpidio Loffredo produces lynx furs and lynx furs using only the best leather on the market, and this can be witnessed by the purchase of the Top Lot 2018. The collection is mainly based on totally white lynx and lynx furs. The type of work carried out determines the final price. Any lynx coat and lynx coat Elpidio Loffredo does not have yellow spots or a white color tending to yellow. Among other things, by continuing to read you will discover:

  • What determines the cost of a lynx fur?
  • Difference between Canadian lynx fur and Siberian lynx fur

What determines the cost of a lynx fur?

Lynx furs are also highly appreciated in the fashion field. Many people do not know that both lynxes and lynxes are sold for lynx fur. The cost of a Lynx fur can vary based on different aspects, such as:

  • Quality of the leather;
  • Type of processing;
  • Origin

The quality of the leather used to create the Lince and Linciotto ElpidioLoffredo furs is extremely sublime. The leather used comes from the best auctions around the world and carefully selected by our Staff. Lynx fur, being a game fur, is very difficult to buy at auction, as there are very few quality skins. Few fur artisans put lynx furs in their collections because it is not a fur for everyone. Usually in the Elpidio Loffredo collections there is fur of North American NAFA origin, many producers buy lynx furs not at auction, and this certainly affects the quality of the furs and the price. Another determining factor is the type of processing. Every year our artisans improve their processing techniques to achieve perfection and to keep up with fashion for lynx furs they only work the belly part (white with black spots). This is a trend that is changing in the ElpidioLoffredo world, because thanks to the careful research carried out every year, lynx fur outerwear is highly sought after! Usually you tend to find a low price for lynx furs when it is not entirely white with black spots and has yellow spots. The type of processing usually used for white lynx fur is vertical processing. Another important factor that determines the price of a lynx fur is the origin of the hides and where it is produced. The origin of the hides and the finished garment determines the final price, as lower labor or quality favors a low price. ElpidioLoffredo Lynx furs are completely Made in Italy: each ElpidioLoffredo item is carefully crafted by Italian artisans. A choice of quality and reliability, which represents the true strength of the Company, and the main characteristic of its creations. Elpidio Loffredo lynx furs are also made to measure to meet the needs of its customers. White lynx fur is truly in high demand.

Differences between Canadian lynx fur and Siberian lynx fur

There are many types of lynx and lynx. The most well-known are:
  • Siberian Lynx Fur
  • Canadian Lynx Fur
  • Lynx Fur
Russian Lynx Fur and Canadian Lynx Fur are very similar. Mainly they differ in the length and color of the fur. The fur of the Siberian lynx is much whiter than that of the Canadian lynx. Mainly those who sell do not tend to specify whether it is a Russian or Canadian lynx to customers, but this is very dangerous as the Russian lynx has a limited number of skins, as it is in danger of extinction. Usually in a year at auction less than 100 Russian lynx skins are sold. The Canadian lynx, always protected and in danger of extinction, however has a much greater number of skins at auction. The lynx fur differs from the previous two for the length of the fur, much longer and thicker in quality skins, and much whiter on the belly and with well-defined black spots. Lynx fur is in high demand in Russia and Arab countries but also in some countries of South-East Asia. Lynx fur is usually more expensive than lynx fur. Many manufacturers do not differentiate between lynx and lynx because many customers are not even aware of the two types of fur.