How to tell if a fur coat is real

In winter, fur is one of the must-have items to have in your wardrobe. This applies to all women and each of us is always and constantly looking for the perfect fur coat. But how do you tell if a fur coat is real or if it is eco-friendly? The protection and safeguarding of animals is a very sensitive issue and for this very reason there are some simple tricks to understand the difference: from the fabric to the shape itself that is given to the fur coat.

How to tell if a fur coat is real: the fabric

The fabric is the first trick to take into consideration to understand if a fur coat is real. This also happens online, although in this context it can be more difficult. The fabric of a real fur coat can in fact have the same softness that results from eco-friendly fur. The way in which the fur coat is made in itself is the key to the mystery. An eco-friendly fur coat in fact presents itself as composed in a totally different way. The fur coat itself is adapted on a layer of fabric and sewn on top, even if you don't perceive at first glance the fabric is there. Normal fur coat, on the other hand, does not have the fabric in contact with the skin. The fabric in question can be soft cotton and can be the same color as the fur and for this reason it is not very visible. The difference can also be perceived at a tactile level. Usually an eco-fur has a sheer or pure cotton fabric inside that keeps you warm like a real fur.

Heat helps to understand

One of the tricks and also the second most effective way to understand if a fur is real is to place it near a heat source. If it is real, in fact, the fur will tend to catch fire more easily while if it is fake it will take a few seconds longer. This happens precisely because the material of which an eco-fur is made is different from a real one. Furthermore, it must be remembered that the real fur will burn evenly and will not leave any lint while the eco-fur will burn differently and inhomogeneously. At the moment of combustion it will ball up on itself consequently creating lint and will disintegrate very easily. In fact, to test and understand if a fur is real, you can take a small hidden piece of the garment in question and try to burn it with the help of a lighter. The result is immediate, as is the answer to the question. In fact, the real material tends to easily expand and burn with heat, while the ecological one burns, creating small burns on the fabric. Consequently, holes will form on the ecological fur, while in the real one they will not.

The shape of the fur

When analyzing some fur models, another essential parameter cannot be taken into consideration to understand if they are real or not. It is certainly a question of observing the coat. This is the key to understanding their authenticity and you can understand it at a glance if you observe it carefully. If you observe organic and real furs carefully, you immediately understand the substantial difference between their coats. Real fur is more harmonious overall and fits perfectly on any body type, while ecological fur is not. However, it is imperfect in its perfection because it is worked more than real fur. The difference between the two furs can be understood if you also look at them in detail: if you go down to the end of the coat, you will find them clearly different from each other. In fact, real fur will remain closer to the body of the person wearing it and generally does not present inequalities or flaws in the fabric. In fact, it remains rather linear overall and falls perfectly, enveloping the person wearing it in a more than excellent way. The situation changes with eco-fur: in fact, being rather worked and sewn, even if by hand, it can easily present flaws on a visual level. The inequality of the final part with unequal tips and not worked in a synthetic way can however be a key element to recognize it as synthetic.