Chinchilla Fur: how to determine the price

Chinchilla fur is one of the most valuable of all. The fur is very soft, rich in shades that start from white and reach black. The purchase of chinchilla skins is a key point in the production phase, as you can buy different qualities of skins even without the controls of auction houses. All this, obviously, reduces production costs, but will certainly affect the quality of the chinchilla fur. The price of chinchilla furs is very misleading for end customers as online you can find different qualities at very low prices. What determines the price of a Chinchilla Fur? Just do a little online research and obviously only look at the best brands to understand that the quality of the skins affects the final price. Elpidio Loffredo Chinchilla fur is produced using exclusively Danish Chinchilla skins, sourced from Kopenhagen Fur. The leather of Danish skins is much more resistant than Hungarian or South American ones. Another very important factor for chinchilla fur is the natural color of the skins. Obviously, here too, Danish chinchilla skins are the best overall, as they offer a clear white color with shiny gray shades and a black color and not brown as we often find on the internet. Many manufacturers use Hungarian or South American skins to have a chinchilla fur at bargain prices. This type of skin has a color tending towards brown-yellow and a very fragile leather. Elpidio Loffredo chinchilla fur is produced following very precise production criteria, and not paying attention to the cost and number of skins. Elpidio Loffredo produces its chinchilla furs using smaller skins so as to be able to create a chinchilla jacket or a chinchilla coat that is very soft and rich, and with regular color shades. Should you pay attention to the price when buying Chinchilla fur? Many customers are often fooled by the very low price of chinchilla and buy very poor quality chinchilla jackets and coats.

Does the color of chinchilla fur indicate the quality?

The color of chinchilla fur often also indicates the quality of the fur. Usually all chinchilla furs on sale at a relatively very low price do not have a well-defined white color, they are often gray and also have brown and yellow shades. These are skins purchased directly from the farm, or they are skins from South America and Hungary. The main difference between these skins is that the South American skin has a thin coat and a leather practically like wet paper, impossible to work. The Hungarian skins, on the other hand, are very resistant with a very elastic leather but a gray and poorly defined color. The Danish skins used by Elpidio Loffredo are the best ever. Well-defined colors, very thick fur, resistant and elastic leather, optimal for processing. A first sign to recognize the quality of the chinchilla coat or chinchilla jacket will certainly be the color, defined white-gray-black. We can also find online white chinchilla, black chinchilla or some shade of very light gray. This type of skins are very rare, and are called:
  • Violet Chinchilla
  • Blue Diamond Chinchilla
  • Full Black Chinchilla

Finding this type of chinchilla fur is very difficult, especially when looking for a quality fur. These types of chinchilla have a very particular price and often fluctuate based on the availability of the skins at auction. Elpidio Loffredo in his collection has added the violet chinchilla and the blue diamond chinchilla of Purple quality, that is, the highest quality. While for full black chinchillas, since there are no quality skins available for some years now, Elpidio Loffredo has decided not to put this type of garment in the collection, but to reserve the few quality skins for custom orders.

What does the Price of Chinchilla Furs depend on?

Chinchilla fur price? The chinchilla price depends on several factors such as:

  • Quality of the leather;
  • Workmanship;
  • Made in Italy.

The quality of the chinchilla leather is the basis for the creation of chinchilla jackets and chinchilla coats. This certainly determines the chinchilla cost. The quality of the leather is very important for creating a chinchilla fur. Poor quality leather is often used to save on costs and give customers a very competitive price, but it is not worth being "smart". Another very important factor is the type of workmanship. Every year the Elpidio Loffredo artisans create new processing techniques to have perfect results. In fact, on Elpidio Loffredo chinchilla furs there are no visible seams, as often happens. ElpidioLoffredo chinchilla furs are Made in Italy: all Elpidio Loffredo furs are made in Italian laboratories. The Elpidio Loffredo Staff helps its customers in choosing the chinchilla fur. Chinchilla photos are perhaps one of the most requested by customers. In addition to the photos of the fur, the Elpidio Loffredo staff also shows photos of the Kopenhagen Fur tags, and the leather of the skins with the auction house's guarantee mark. Elpidio Loffredo purchased the Top Lots at the Kopenhagen Fur auction house for his Chinchilla collection.