Fur care and cleaning

The best way to preserve and guarantee the beauty of our furs is to wear them. Despite that, the maintenance of the fur requires specific care and attention to ensure that it remains in excellent condition over time. The atmospheric changes, in addition to dust and smog, modify the natural shine and beauty of the fur, often subtracting it to its softness.

We recommend using a soft bristle brush or a fur comb, gently dry brushing in the direction of the hair, to remove dust and small debris. Do not use hair dryers or other heat sources to dry the fur, or use water that could damage and break the hair. After you put on your fur, letting it ventilate in a dry, well-ventilated environment, can help eliminate any smells and help keep your fur cool.

The ideal place to store your fur is a cool, dry and dark wardrobe, using a breathable case to protect it from dust without compromising air circulation. Avoid storing the garment in humid or hot places, or exposing it to the sun or heat sources.

During the summer it is advisable to store your fur in a cool case in a refrigerated room to protect the fur hair from high temperatures, You can contact us for this service in our boutiques.

The best way to ensure a perfect care and maintenance of the fur is to rely on experts. In our laboratory we perform the cleaning and regeneration of fur quickly and efficiently, to keep intact the softness and shine of the hair.

The fur cleaning is carried out in our laboratories, with modern techniques that include, in addition to the cleaning of the garment, an anti-moth treatment, deodorant and softener. The cleaning of the garment includes a special dry cleaning for skins and fur giving shine, beauty and softness. We offer the collection and delivery service for your fur.

After the cleaning service, the fur will be subjected to a detailed check to propose any replacement of linings or hooks and damaged buttons.