Are you looking for a furrier in Naples?

Fur shop in Naples: Elpidio Loffredo fur shop in Naples

The Elpidio Loffredo boutique was founded in 2006 in the magnificent landscape of Pompeii. The choice to open a Boutique in Italy was born from the need to be able to host Italian customers in a store that is not only online. The Elpidio Loffredo furrier is located in Via Lepanto 25, Pompeii. Many customers typing furrier Naples online found our online store among the first results. Unable to host their Italian customers, Elpidio Loffredo quickly created a small corner of luxury about 50 meters from the Sanctuary of Pompeii. The choice immediately proved to be a winning one, with numerous appointments. Elpidio Loffredo is also studying a furrier in Naples to facilitate the numerous Neapolitan customers. By continuing to read you will discover:

  • Furrier in Naples
  • Points of sale around the world and online
  • The Made in Italy laboratories

Furrier in Naples

The furrier in Naples is located precisely in the province, in Pompeii. The furrier's shop in Pompei was founded in 2006 at Via Lepanto 25. It is still a fixed point for the brand today, as it is divided into 2 floors, with the boutique on the ground floor and the general offices on the first floor. Elpidio Loffredo is thinking of opening a real luxury boutique in the center of Naples to facilitate all his numerous Neapolitan customers, next to prestigious names such as Louis Vuitton, Prada or Gucci. The opening hours of the furrier's shop are: Monday - Friday 10.30-13:30 - 17.30-20.30 Saturday 10.30-13:30 - 17.00-20.00 Sunday 10.00 - 13.00 For all interested customers, they can also book an appointment during closing hours, as the Elpidio Loffredo Staff is always inside the furrier's shop to renew the layout of the luxury boutique.

Points of sale in the world and online

The furrier in Naples is not the only point of sale in the world. The Elpidio Loffredo furrier also has a showroom in Moscow and a boutique in Kazakhstan. The showroom in Moscow was founded in 2016, bringing with it numerous innovations in terms of style, as Elpidio Loffredo has created a typically Italian design, to make his customers feel in Italy. The boutique in Almaty, on the other hand, is a true luxury boutique, studied in the smallest details. Then there is the boutique in the world, the online one. Elpidio Loffredo is an icon for the fur sector, as it is the only brand with an e-commerce with the entire collection online, which offers a 24/7 customer service and above all social media that is always up to date, with lots of interactions from its customers. The online furrier is practically an invention of Elpidio Loffredo, the first in Italy to have imagined and put something like this into practice. Despite the many successes and years of activity, there is still a lot of skepticism in the sector regarding online fur.

Made in Italy Laboratories

All lovers in the world of Fur have seen or heard of Elpidio Loffredo furrier at least once. This is because the brand is synonymous with quality, but above all with Made in Italy. Unlike other companies that only add buttons and linings in Italy or even just the tags, Elpidio Loffredo produces all its furs entirely in Italy, starting from tanning to the lining. The fur laboratories in Naples are the main ones in the production activities of the Elpidio Loffredo collection. Some laboratories are also located in Milan, Padua and Empoli. The style office that creates the patterns for the Elpidio Loffredo collection is located inside one of the three Neapolitan laboratories. All the gadgets and packaging are also created entirely in Italy and always follow the very strict rules to protect the environment.