Difference between male and female mink fur

As we all know, mink furs are high quality, very luxurious and worn by fashion personalities to always be on top and trendy. However, not all furs are of quality, in fact the so-called "scammers" put on the market fake furs of poor quality and with exorbitant prices. So you will ask yourself, how do you recognize quality furs? It's simple, just recommend yourself to the famous stylists in the field, an example are the beautiful furs of Elpidio Loffredo, if purchased in store or ordered on the official website, there is no doubt! But in any case, how do you recognize a high quality mink fur?

How to recognize a quality mink fur

It is very important to be able to recognize in total autonomy if the fur in front of you is of good or poor quality, it will be based on taking into consideration some factors, let's see them in detail:
  • quality of the leather: to be able to recognize a good fur, the leather must obviously be of quality. In fact, the skins used to produce a fur are excellent and come from selected auctions. Finally, especially women's furs tend to be lighter without being heavy, this is a characteristic of high quality mink furs;
  • stiffness to the touch: to recognize a good fur, it must be rigid when touched, in fact the hairs on it will rise very quickly. This particularity makes the fur very valid;
  • shininess: an important aspect is shine, a good fur will always be shiny and smooth, moreover with the passing of time if kept with care it does not alter;
  • accessories inserted: the last aspect are the accessories that are inserted into the fur, an example could be the lining, the belt or otherwise the hooks. If these accessories are imitated, it most likely means that the desired fur is not of quality.

If you want to know more, we invite you to read our article on how to recognize a quality mink fur.

What is the difference between a male and female mink fur

It is very easy to recognize a mink fur between a female and a male, the female fur is softer and lighter than a male fur. In fact, the skins used for female furs are shinier, silkier and also more suitable for tailoring. If you want to buy a fur, I recommend that you go directly to the desired store with a quality guarantee. As for the price, each fur and each brand are different, obviously the prices change based on these factors: the quality, the type of mink fur, the style and also the craftsmanship, then obviously other factors are the dimensions and lengths provided. If you are wondering if an unshorn fur stays as warm as a shorn one, the answer is yes, this is because the heat present in the fur comes from the undercoat which works as an insulator. Furthermore, rain, as long as it is light, does not cause damage to the fur, in any case it will be necessary to let the fur dry in a fairly ventilated place, and keep it away from the color. If on the contrary the fur is completely wet by the rain, you will have to take it to a professional in the sector who will take care of the appropriate treatment to apply, the craftsman will apply special oils on the leather of the garment so as to keep it soft, otherwise he will replace the silk lining. Finally, if you have a fur inherited from a relative and that is several years old, as long as it has been looked after with care it can be reused or modernized.