Difference between sable and mink

The sable and the mink are two small mammals, with similar morphological characteristics, belonging to the Mustelidae family which is divided into 3 other groups: the European, American and sable varieties. Depending on the species, these rodent animals differ in size, weight and habits, but they are united by their valuable coat which is used for the production of furs and luxury accessories. Let's now learn all the most salient differences between these different mammals.

The European mink

It is a mammal similar to a rather small ferret, 30-45 cm, weighs about 1 kg and has a floating body. The salient characteristic of the mink is that it stays in the water for most of the time and swims to hunt its prey: despite this its fur remains dry even after many hours. It is called European to differentiate it from the American one, but it is found especially in the Russian steppes, near the Ural mountains, and is in danger of extinction. Mink fur is highly prized for its softness and waterproof qualities.

The American mink

It lives in the interior mountainous areas of America and is larger than the European mink. While the former looks more like a ferret, this one has similar characteristics to a raccoon, with a rather long and tapered body. It can weigh up to 2 kg and lives most of the time in water, so it is an excellent swimmer.

The sable

The sable is one of the largest mammals in the weasel family: it can reach 60 cm, with a tail that is up to 20 cm long. It lives mainly in the Russian steppes of the Ural mountains, in the most inaccessible areas, which is why it is quite rare and its fur is expensive and valuable. Today, specifically, there are very few wild specimens in nature because the sable, like the mink, has been domesticated and has been bred by man for hundreds of years. Unlike the mink species just described, the sable lives on land and loves to climb trees, where it digs a nest for its young and shelters itself in the winter. The sable fur is very soft and silky, shinier than the mink, which has a very dense and thick undercoat. The mink, both American and Russian, on the other hand, has a more waterproof coat because it lives more in contact with water.

The difference between sable and mink

In addition to the similarities and differences just described, it is important to mention the characteristic that differentiates them at first glance: the sable has a uniform color that does not have white spots on the muzzle, in addition to being considerably larger. Historically, they are predatory mammals that have lived in contact with humans for many years: numerous Renaissance paintings, including a portrait by Leonardo da Vinci, document their domestic presence. Another difference between sable and mink is their diet, while the former feeds on insects and small herbivores, the latter also hunts frogs and fish.

Commercial production for mink and sable

Mink is farmed to a large extent, while it can be said that sable remains a rarer rodent mammal and its fur is the most valuable of all weasel species. Soft and silky, it is characterized by a brown/chocolate color with lighter tips, a grizzled/frosted shade that distinguishes it from the others. Both the American/Canadian sable and the Russian sobol are very rare species, now protected. For this reason, sable furs (like those of its relative the stoat) are luxury goods that are used as valuable investment values.