Faux fur is not eco-sustainable

The main difference between a real fur and a synthetic fur, or more commonly and erroneously called eco-fur, is in the eco-sustainability of the outerwear. Real fur is 100% eco-sustainable, starting from the tanning that can also be done organically and vegetally. Synthetic fur is bad for our earth, as it is made of petroleum, yes you read that right "Petroleum". Synthetic fur is a compound of nylon, acrylic and polyester, all derivatives of petroleum. Practically many substances contained in synthetic fur are also found in plastic. Eco-furs are not biodegradable. This means that when an outerwear such as synthetic fur begins to break down after many years the synthetic materials will become microplastic fibers, which will certainly affect waterways contributing to the pollution problem we are currently experiencing. If you want to protect our ecosystem, the right choice for our winter garment is certainly real fur, which is made of natural fibers. By continuing to read you will discover:

  1. Tanning methods for real fur, do they pollute like synthetic fur?
  2. The environmental impact of real fur
  3. Ecological fur or synthetic fur?

Tanning methods for real fur, do they pollute like synthetic fur?

There are different tanning methods for real fur, there is chrome tanning, which, if carried out in compliance with the law, pollutes less than synthetic fur. Chrome tanning is carried out with Chromium III, which is a substance that is good for humans. Just think that the lack of chromium III can cause various pathologies. Another tanning method can be metal-free tanning, which eliminates heavy metals. This is usually used for bovine hides intended for leather goods. Then there is vegetable tanning, which is the oldest and least practiced, both in terms of processing times and costs, but also for the final result, as we will have a very hard fur. The main thought when talking about pollution should be directed to the materials used during tanning, but we must not forget the energy used and the disposal of waste water. In the tanning industry, a large amount of water is used to wet the hides and electricity to operate the machinery. As for the water, it is purified before being "returned" to nature. The same goes for the emissions of chemical agents into the atmosphere, here too cutting-edge technologies are used, which must follow national and European standards. Despite all these procedures, during the tanning phase of the hides, if the rules are followed, real fur will certainly pollute less than synthetic fur.

The environmental impact of real fur

Real furs, unlike synthetic furs, do not damage the environment at all. The first important thing to underline is that all breeders respect their animals. The health of the animal is fundamental for the quality of the leather. Fur is a product that guarantees that the entire animal is respected and nothing is wasted. The positive environmental impacts of farming can be summarized very quickly, foxes and minks are fed with waste from the chicken and dairy industries, in order to prevent this waste from being disposed of in landfills and having a negative impact on the environment. All farms are responsible for the animal waste and products of their industry, and use them to produce biogas in order to reduce the demand for fossil fuels. Fur is one of the most natural, sustainable and long-lasting products in the fashion world. Basically the impact on the environment of real fur brings positive effects, both in production and in waste disposal. While the same cannot be said for synthetic fur. Fur is the oldest product in the world and has an incredible history as well as being considered the most sophisticated fabric for warmth, style and comfort.

Ecological fur or synthetic fur?

Ecological fur is not ecological fur at all. Many people think that buying ecological fur is the right choice, as as the term itself says it is eco-sustainable, it does not pollute. Unfortunately, buying a synthetic fur is the wrong choice, as it is harmful to our earth. Ecological furs are cheap but not ecological. Ecological fur must be defined as synthetic fur, or fake fur, as it is produced with petroleum derivatives and is not easy to dispose of both during production and at the end of its life cycle. Many animal rights activists think they are making the right choice by buying fake fur, because they are not buying real animal fur, but this is wrong because buying fake fur means destroying our eco system. Fake fur is very difficult to dispose of, even with specific treatments. During the production phase it pollutes a lot. All auction houses are fighting for the use of real fur and the elimination of synthetic fur, because from farming, in addition to the skin used to create fur, fossil fuels, fertilizers and feed for other farms or for agriculture are also obtained. Farming also produces energy. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation on the issue of synthetic fur - ecological and above all many people associate the word ecological with the true meaning, totally ignoring the truth of the facts.