How to recognize a quality mink fur

To understand if a mink fur is of good quality, you need to understand several factors:
  • Quality of the hide
  • Made in Italy
  • Type of processing
The quality of the hide is essential to understand if a mink fur is good. Elpidio Loffredo uses the best skins from auctions around the world to produce its furs. Like the entire collection, for the minks, Elpidio Loffredo uses only female skins, producing ultra-light mink furs. Customers really appreciate the quality of Elpidio Loffredo minks because even the coats weigh nothing. As for the short mink jackets, they are produced using special processing techniques. Obviously there is a wide choice for the mink fur collection. Obviously the entire collection is produced entirely in Italy, starting from the tanning of the skins to the finishing touches. Many furriers prefer to save on materials and the quality of the leather to offer "incredible" prices. Elpidio Loffredo always tries to offer its customers the best quality, maintaining an unbeatable quality/price ratio. In addition to the quality of the materials, to understand whether a mink is actually good or not, you need to understand if the manufacturing is Italian and of quality. Elpidio Loffredo pays particular attention to manufacturing because it is the basis of its creations. All the craftsmen are Italian and produce the furs of the Elpidio Loffredo collection in Italy. Another very important factor that often indicates the quality of the fur we are buying is the quality of the accessories near the fur such as:
  • Belts
  • Drawstring
  • Hooks
  • Lining
Often the lining on a low-quality fur is not made of silk, but of very cheap fabrics. The same thing for the hooks and cords of the drawstring. When there is a belt that is not in fur but in other materials, it is often made with defective leather or defective suede. Elpidio Loffredo instead uses only top quality materials. The belts are made of cashmere and with excellent quality leather and suede. The hooks are completely made in Italy as are the drawstring cords and the linings are entirely in silk. It is much more difficult to recognize if a fur is good or not if we buy it online. Often a well-made and above all well-managed site with excellent assistance is also synonymous with quality. There are several factors to keep an eye on including the price. It is often better to get help online with photos and live videos of the item you are purchasing. Inside each item or on the purchase certificates there should be the quality of the mink. The auction house and the type of quality are usually written on the certificate. Inside the fur instead there is a label that is released by the auction house at the time of purchase of the skins.