How to remove the musty smell from furs

Taking proper care of a fur coat with good maintenance is the only way to ensure it lasts a long time. The best solution is obviously to contact a specialist in the sector such as Elpidio Loffredo who uses professional materials and products for treating fur in professional laboratories. However, there are some preventive and conservative home procedures that can be carried out independently to prevent our fur coats from losing their shine or smelling of musty. First of all, to avoid unpleasant musty smells, a fur coat should always be hung in the correct way: a large and soft padded coat hanger also prevents it from losing its original shape on the shoulders or from being compressed against other garments. Never lock fur coats in vinyl clothing bags with an airtight seal or drawers for long periods: this prevents the fur from breathing properly, allowing mold and bad smells to develop easily.

Home remedies to eliminate the smell of mold from furs easily

Among the most well-known and effective home remedies to eliminate the smell of mold from furs, grandma's are undoubtedly the simplest but have been recommended since the dawn of time. Fundamental ally: coffee. Here is the most effective procedure:
  1. equip yourself with a vinyl garment bag with a total hermetic seal and hang the fur inside it on a large, soft and padded hanger;
  2. fill a small bag or container with ground coffee (at least 100 grams) without closing it and place it on the bottom of the garment bag;
  3. hermetically seal the garment bag containing the fur and let the smell be completely absorbed;
  4. check the situation daily and keep monitoring carefully until the smell has completely disappeared;
  5. once the bad smells of mold have been eliminated, remove the fur from the vinyl garment bag, airing it properly and then store it in the most appropriate way to preserve it in the best possible way until next winter.

Prevention against bad and unpleasant smells of mold

To prevent the smell of mold from taking over our furs during long periods of rest, it will be enough to scrupulously follow a few easy precautions: simple preventive advice and good conservation in the warmer and autumnal months will help our precious garments to remain beautiful and shiny and above all without bad smells.
  • The most suitable storage temperature is around 7°.
  • Choose a dark, cool and dry place such as a sheltered area of ​​the wardrobe away from excessive air from a window.
  • It is better to avoid proximity to heat sources to avoid drying out the skin.
  • Never fold the fur to store it in drawers and hang it away from other garments so that it can breathe.
  • Avoid cedar wardrobes as much as possible because the particular oil of this wood can damage the fur.
  • Clean all furs by combing them with a suitable comb: following the direction of the hair and from top to bottom, repeat the operation at least a couple of times a year to eliminate dust residues and help them maintain a tidy appearance and free of bad odors. There are furs that require special maintenance, such as astrakhan fur: in that case use a special pad to avoid any damage.